Getting Started With Prosaic

What is Prosaic?

Prosaic is AI-powered compliance software for accountants and bookkeepers, simplifying cash coding, reporting, and client collaboration. With instant bank feeds, bulk coding, and live reporting, it streamlines GST returns and year-end accounts. Clients review, approve, and (soon) pay taxes with ease, while firms deliver efficient, low-cost services at scale.

Getting Started - Accountants & Bookkeepers

For a full walk through of Prosaic, watch the 12 minute product demo below. If you have questions or need help, send us a message using chat or by emailing

To try Prosaic, sign up for a free trial via our website

If you've already signed up for a trial, follow the steps below to get started with our partner edition for accounting and bookkeeping practices

  1. Sign in to Prosaic
  2. Connect bank feeds using Akahu, either
    1. Connect bank feeds under your practice user account, or
    2. Invite yourself as a client and go through onboarding
  3. Cash code a GST period or annual return using Cashbook
  4. Draft a report, to share, comment, review and finalise
  5. Export transactions to a CSV or Journal

Practice accounts also include a demo client, which you can use to review cash coding and reporting before connecting your own bank accounts or inviting a client. Demo transactions are limited to a single bank account and entity type, so we recommend using Prosaic with live bank feeds to test the full range of features, including client onboarding and report share/comment.

If you don't see demo client data, or would like to manually load a bank statement during testing, get in touch with our team at or using in app chat.

Sign in to Prosaic

Login via using the email address you registered for a trial account

You can sign in (SSO) using Google or Xero, or simply enter your email.

Connect Bank Feeds

To being cash coding, you first need to connect bank data.

As a practice user, you can connect and use your own bank feeds, and these will be private to you.

Or you can invite yourself as a client, and go through client onboarding.

  1. Connect bank feeds as a practice user
    1. Under your profile, select 'Bank Connections'
    2. Choose 'Add Bank Accounts'
    3. You'll be redirected to Akahu to complete the steps to enable bank feeds
      1. For more information on using Akahu with Prosaic, read this guide
      2. You only need a single bank account connected to use Prosaic
      3. You can revoke access anytime, and delete bank transactions from Prosaic
      4. As a practice user, no-one else will have visbility into your bank transactions, they are private to you.
  2. Invite yourself as a client, and complete onboarding
    1. This is a good approach to review the end to end client onboarding experience
    2. From the client dashboard choose 'Invite Client'
    3. Make sure to use a different email address from your practice login
    4. After sending the invitation, sign out of Prosaic, and follow the onboarding steps to set up bank feeds as a client
      1. Use the interactive product tour on our website to review client onboarding step by step

Start Coding in Cashbook

Navigate to the cashbook and open up yourself (or a client), choose the date range and accounts and start cash coding.

Some tips:

  • Prosaic is a single entry ledger - designed for cash coding
  • There are present income and expense codes (based on default chart of accounts, IR3B, IR10 etc)
    • To create custom sub codes you can use #tags (read here to learn more)
    • Tags can also be used as tracking categories (eg multiple rental properties)
    • Its possible to apply tags as both sub codes and tracking categories, but we recommend using excel to pivot/report in this scenario (more reports coming soon)
  • We don't yet provide a balance sheet or trial balance report (coming soon) but we've included 'holding' categories for assets, liabilities & equity which you can use these to precode, so when you export (eg to Xero journal) you can map these to a balance sheet.
  • You can enter Manual Transactions if you need to:
    • Add more line items for any given bank transaction (eg RWT paid on schedular income)
      • Natively splitting transactions into 'spend/receive' is not yet supported, but this is planned
    • Enter a period or year end adjustment (eg a rental property gross up) journal- style
    • Enter bank transactions missing from feeds
  • There's preview reports for GST and Income/Expenses, as well as GST audit in PDF and CSV. 
  • Transaction data can be exported as a journal summary or full transaction (bank statement) of claimed and coded items only

Run a GST or Summary Report

When you've coded up a set of accounts you can draft a report.

At this stage we support a GST return and (Cash) Summary. More templates will be coming soon.

Reports can be shared with clients, which sends them a link to review, comment and approve online.

You can add comments for what you need from clients (eg provide context for uncoded transactions, or receipts for larger purchases).

You can also simply finalise and file and send the client to for their records

Export to CSV or Journal

All coded bank transactions can be exported to a raw CSV file, then opened in Excel for futher customisation or reporting. To export raw transactions, from the cashbook screen select 'export' and choose either

  • Current table - all transactions and columns as displayed in the table
  • All Claimed Transactions - every transaction for displayed bank accounts which has been marked 'claimed'
  • Summary as Xero journal - this will export all transaction amounts summarised by category, with a debit and credit line, in format ready to import as a Xero journal - to code against the balance sheet.

Inviting Clients

When you're ready to invite clients, there are three easy ways to do this

  1. Manually invite from the dashboard using their name, email and a short message. We'll send a few system reminders if they forget to sign in or connect their bank feeds
  2. Send a bulk email to many clients: on your client dashboard is a dedicated invite link which you can send to clients in a newsletter letting them know about Prosaic and encouraging them to sign up
  3. Bulk load: our team can bulk load clients and send system invites for you. Get in touch for details

Add your logo

We can add your logo which will appear in client invitation emails and the client signup page. Send it through to or start a live chat or help request in app and attach it, and we'll load it for you.

Next Steps

Get in touch with our team if you have any questions. We'll be adding more articles, guides and FAQs to our help center shortly. Or watch the product demo below for a detailed walk through

Product Demo

Watch a 12 minute walk through of Prosaic. You can make full screen, or skip forward and back between pages.

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