Posting Expenses to HNRY

Our HNRY integration is currently in BETA, and uses Zapier. We'll continue to improve it with new features. If you would like to set it up and try it, follow the steps below.


Prosaic reads transactions from personal banks, cards and loan accounts to identify tax deductible expenses like home office power, rates or motor vehicle costs.

We’ve developed a v1 integration between Prosaic and HNRY, to automatically push expenses that are detected and claimed in Prosaic, as a draft expense in HNRY. The best way to think about this is like a ‘bank feed’ for HNRY, but instead of syncing every transaction from a single bank account (like, say, Xero does), you can connect as many bank accounts as you like to Prosaic (eg a credit card AND joint account), and we’ll only sync through to HNRY either:

  1. Expenses that Prosaic automatically detects are business expenses, or
  2. Any expenses that you manually select as a business expense in Prosaic

Once set up, Prosaic will sync expenses every 5 minutes. If you claim an expense in Prosaic, it will appear on the next sync. Or automatically, overnight, when Prosaic detects anything from bank feeds.

See more details here

A couple of items to note

  • This version (v1)  doesn’t support receipts/bills, so you'll need to add these in HNRY 
  • However we’re currently testing receipt/bill automation via gmail integration in v2. If you’re interested to test this, get in touch once you’re set up on v1. There’s a couple of extra steps we can take you through.
  • V1 doesn’t support to category sync, but HNRY are adding this shortly
  • Hit up if you have any questions.

Watch a Video Setup Guide

Watch the full Loom video here and and read the steps below

Follow The Text Setup Guide

Before you start you’ll need to have both a HNRY and Prosaic account. If you’re not yet using Prosaic, register for a free account at and connect your bank accounts via our secure bank feeds partner Akahu

To set up the integration between Henry and Prosaic using Zapier, follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a free Zapier account using your email address.
  2. Once logged into Zapier, accept invitations for early access to HNRY and Prosaic below
    1. HNRY:
    2. Prosaic:
  3. In Zapier, create a new Zap by clicking on "Create" in the workflow builder.
  4. For the trigger, choose Prosaic as the app, select ‘New Expense’ as the event and select the event to listen for an expense from Prosaic.
  5. Copy the provided URL and enter this into your Prosaic settings page under Settings > Integrations > Zapier

  1. Skip the test for now and it should provide you with some ‘test data’ (Caltex) you can use in the next step
  2. For the action, choose HNRY (1.2.0) to (you’ll only be able to choose this if you’ve accepted the invite above)
  3. Choose ‘raise expense’ and sign into your HNRY account to authorise access.
  4. In the ‘action’ step, we will take the data from Prosaic, and map it into a HNRY expense as follows

HNRY Expense Field Prosaic Input
Expense Type Business
Receipt -

Merchant Name


(recommend a new line between these)

Business Purpose % Claim Rate
Expense Date Date
Sales Tax Amount Tax Amount
Sales Tax Inclusive Cost Amount
Include Sales Tax

Tax Inclusive

(choose ‘custom’ option when setting up this field)

  1. Select ‘continue’ and test the step. If it succeeds, you should be able to sign in to HNRY and see a new expense with the test data (Caltex) from the previous step.
  2. If it's all working, the ‘Publish’ the Zap, and you’re good to go.

That's it! You have now set up the integration between HNRY and Prosaic using Zapier. 

If you want to see real transactions in HNRY, there’s a couple of ways you can do this

  1. If you sign into Prosaic, and find any recent bank transaction that is not already marked as an expense (eg ‘Entertainment’). If you ‘claim’ that transaction, then the next time we sync to HNRY (every 5 minutes), it should automatically appear. 
  2. Or, if you wait a few days, then Prosaic should automatically pick up any expenses as bank feeds appear, and push these automatically into HNRY
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